Feed the Positive Dog

Sometimes it feels like there are 2 dogs inside us fighting for attention. One is happy, cheerful, and loving. The other is a snarling, irritable, and angry dog. How do you make sure the happy, smiling dog comes out on top? You feed the dog you like the most. With positive thoughts, affirmations, and language.…

One Shot

A single shot in my cappuccino is my favourite coffee. I also use this term to enrol people into the benefit of having a simple framework to live our lives. We get One Shot at life, and that’s enough to play full out to our fullest potential and purpose. We get One Shot at 2024.…


We all want that ‘good work / life balance’. What happens in reality is that we don’t achieve our best results when we are nicely balanced. In practice, we are at our best when we are purposely out of balance. We do our best work when we are totally absorbed in the business for a…

Seizing Opportunities

The start of a New Year is an obvious opportunity for a clean slate, new habits, and fresh ideas. How can you create the mindset of everyday of the year an opportunity? By being clear what’s important to you, or not. What you like or don’t. What you want and what you don’t want. It…

Time To Think

Making quality time to think What happens when you have a structure for this processA personal story…The end of year and the start of a new year is a great opportunity for a clean slate, and making a declaration that will really serve you for 12 months.Don’t waste this opportunity.Make an effort to not just make some time for this, but to…

Inspired Action

The thing I enjoy most at the end of a conversation with anyone is when they say;  ‘You know what Dave, this is what I’m going to do…’   And it’s often nothing to do with anything I’ve said, but the questions I’ve asked, listening carefully for what’s most important to that person.   Sometimes…

Time To Think

Do you have a structure, or a discipline that makes you stop? Review the last day, week, month or year. Letting the dust settle, and creating the time and space for new thoughts? If you don’t, you will be missing valuable insights into what could improve your business life. When you honour this process with…


I perform better in all areas when I am in a positive mood. But sometimes switching to a positive mood is easier said than done. Through evolution I am hardwired to focus on the negatives to survive. So I can experience 9 fabulous things in a week and one negative, and guess what I will…