Career to calling

This is a simple, but powerful concept. It taps into your life purpose. Which some people are fortunate enough to discover at an early age. Others, like me, survive a job for 36 years – the purpose to keep your nose clean, get the mortgage repaid, retire, play golf or go on some holidays, then die.…

Priming a New Year Mindset

Give yourself, or your business, a boost at the start of the New Year. Priming your mindset. Marc & Rachel, owners of Marc Wood Hand Made Furniture in Ilminster, Somerset went into the festive break the busiest, and least stressful ever. How does this happen in a business that’s evolved on an up and down roller coaster journey over…

Commitment makes no difference

I know what my priority Values are. Great. I have personal Goals that are aligned with those Values. Great. I know what I’m committed to. That makes no difference. You can be a legend in your own mind. But until you take action – pick up the phone – have the conversation – write the…

Resistance causes persistence

What I resist persists. Try NOT picturing a pink elephant with blue spots. My brain can’t picture NOT, it pictures a pink elephant with blue spots. When I create a focus for myself, or with my clients, it’s never on what I or they don’t want, but the opposite. For example, try flipping thoughts from; ‘I…

Hire attitude, train skill

This is such a simple, but profoundly sound concept. Someone with a great skill set but not a positive attitude on the bus will cause other good staff to get off. I had an example in the last week where a client was looking for a new member of staff for a specific role. He…

Don’t half arse your time

Multi-tasking is the opportunity to screw up more than one thing at a time. Try going ‘all in’ for that 2 hour task or meeting, eliminating all other distractions. Or 24 hours focused on accomplishing one outcome, or even a week, a month, or year playing full out in one area. It contradicts the work…