The Dream Team; Purpose + Action

We can feel like a busy fool sometimes. Running around taking lots of actions that aren’t necessarily having the most impact to make progress. And sometimes we have inspirational ideas that just stay as ideas because of a lack of deliberate and appropriate action. The two combined are powerful. A sense of purpose, or a…

Adventurous stepping

When faced with a daunting task it is easy to procrastinate. A finance application. Recruiting or releasing an employee. A marketing initiative. The first thing I do is give it a name; ‘The ………. Adventure’. Reframing something as an adventure means I don’t fail or succeed – I’m simply starting something, with no way of…

Hello from Dave

As I approach completing 10 years in business, with those lovely people at Frankman Design we’ve created a simple template to pay forward over 100 great concepts in business life planning on a weekly basis. Watch this space, and I’ll begin sharing every week the products I’ve accumulated on the shelves over 10 years, and…

Feed the Positive Dog

Sometimes it feels like there are 2 dogs inside us fighting for attention. One is happy, cheerful, and loving. The other is a snarling, irritable, and angry dog. How do you make sure the happy, smiling dog comes out on top? You feed the dog you like the most. With positive thoughts, affirmations, and language.…

One Shot

A single shot in my cappuccino is my favourite coffee. I also use this term to enrol people into the benefit of having a simple framework to live our lives. We get One Shot at life, and that’s enough to play full out to our fullest potential and purpose. We get One Shot at 2024.…


We all want that ‘good work / life balance’. What happens in reality is that we don’t achieve our best results when we are nicely balanced. In practice, we are at our best when we are purposely out of balance. We do our best work when we are totally absorbed in the business for a…