Trigger Rich Environments

If you’re trying to get into the habit of doing something new, or out of an old habit you don’t want, shape your environment to shape your behaviours. Physically shaping your environment will hep create the stimulus to do something, or stop doing something. Examples of physical triggers are; Running shoes by the back door…

Are you green and growing?

Noticed how many times we fall into the success fallacy trap? I’ll be happy when… * I’m successful, * have more money, * moved property, * finished this task, * in or out of a relationship. It’s flawed because it’s back to front. I could have any of these things, and I might not be…

Career to calling

This is a simple, but powerful concept. It taps into your life purpose. Which some people are fortunate enough to discover at an early age. Others, like me, survive a job for 36 years – the purpose to keep your nose clean, get the mortgage repaid, retire, play golf or go on some holidays, then die.…

Priming a New Year Mindset

Give yourself, or your business, a boost at the start of the New Year. Priming your mindset. Marc & Rachel, owners of Marc Wood Hand Made Furniture in Ilminster, Somerset went into the festive break the busiest, and least stressful ever. How does this happen in a business that’s evolved on an up and down roller coaster journey over…

Commitment makes no difference

I know what my priority Values are. Great. I have personal Goals that are aligned with those Values. Great. I know what I’m committed to. That makes no difference. You can be a legend in your own mind. But until you take action – pick up the phone – have the conversation – write the…

Birthday perspective

63 years young today. If you had asked me in my teens what I would be doing in my 60’s I would have said pretty much that life was over and winding down. I’m actually enjoying coaching small business owners as much as when I started 10 years ago. Completing three insane CrossFit sessions a…

Deliberate and appropriate effort

I love the concept of appropriate effort, which I discovered from the Alexander Technique. I don’t drive my car any better by tightly grasping the steering wheel. Hit a golf ball further by squeezing my hands around the golf club. Or lift heavier weights in the gym by clenching my teeth. Anything more than appropriate…

Resistance causes persistence

What I resist persists. Try NOT picturing a pink elephant with blue spots. My brain can’t picture NOT, it pictures a pink elephant with blue spots. When I create a focus for myself, or with my clients, it’s never on what I or they don’t want, but the opposite. For example, try flipping thoughts from; ‘I…