One Thing

Mastering consistency How to free up your mind from decision fatigue – being clear on what to yes and no to. Many successful businesses settle on just one thing they do repeatedly well. And when they do, their decision making progress for what to say yes and no to becomes simple. Whether it’s the products or services…

Important versus Urgent

Great at Urgent Not so great at Important Working at 100mph on auto-pilot we are great. We become super-effective at getting lots done by becoming more and more efficient. And in todays increasingly cluttered and busy environment, the brain craves short cuts for getting things done. ‘Doing the thing right’, without stopping to think about ‘doing the right thing’. And this can feel like…

Incremental Steps

Breaking it down – step by step. Create the vision for your life, or your business, and you create a clear picture. And sometimes, where you are headed can seem like a mountain – just too big to climb! But if you break this down into stages, or base camps, it’s a lot easier for the brain…


A fresh start with the team Going back to something new… Returning to work with employees there may be some difficult conversations to have, or things you want to change in the future. And you know the people you work with well. You come to relationships and conversations already knowing from past experience how things will go…