Time To Think

Making quality time to think What happens when you have a structure for this processA personal story…The end of year and the start of a new year is a great opportunity for a clean slate, and making a declaration that will really serve you for 12 months.Don’t waste this opportunity.Make an effort to not just make some time for this, but to…

Inspired Action

The thing I enjoy most at the end of a conversation with anyone is when they say;  ‘You know what Dave, this is what I’m going to do…’   And it’s often nothing to do with anything I’ve said, but the questions I’ve asked, listening carefully for what’s most important to that person.   Sometimes…

Time To Think

Do you have a structure, or a discipline that makes you stop? Review the last day, week, month or year. Letting the dust settle, and creating the time and space for new thoughts? If you don’t, you will be missing valuable insights into what could improve your business life. When you honour this process with…


I perform better in all areas when I am in a positive mood. But sometimes switching to a positive mood is easier said than done. Through evolution I am hardwired to focus on the negatives to survive. So I can experience 9 fabulous things in a week and one negative, and guess what I will…


There’s a mis-match between what employers assume is generally most important to employees, and what employees say is most important to them;   Employees say; 1. Appreciation 2. Feeling ‘in’ on things 3. Understanding attitude 4. Job security 5. Good wages 6. Interesting work 7. Promotion opportunities 8. Loyalty from management 9. Good working conditions…


Despite years of training and practice, the thing I still find the hardest to do consistently. When I hear something that triggers or activates me, I immediately stop listening and go into my world of insecurity, argument, or justification. And I stay there until I notice what’s happened. Fortunately, this now takes seconds or minutes…


Distinguishing, or declaring, commitment is a powerful exercise. It creates the context for actions – whether I feel like doing them or not. Booking a holiday is a commitment. When done, there is no need to put energy into thinking shall I arrange the insurance, the travel money, or the car parking. They become ‘just…

Writing down goals and objectives

Writing down goals of objectives make you a third more likely to be successful. By writing down your thoughts they are captured and formalised, preventing your mind from wandering off at a tangent. And you can double your success rate again when your progress is shared with an accountability partner. Its when the best result…