Distinguishing, or declaring, commitment is a powerful exercise.
It creates the context for actions – whether I feel like doing them or not.
Booking a holiday is a commitment. When done, there is no need to put energy into thinking shall I arrange the insurance, the travel money, or the car parking. They become ‘just do its’.
If I make a commitment to get married, the engagement ring, the wedding, and everything else there is to do simply gets done.
Once you are clear on really what’s most important to you in life (step 1), this will manifest in what you are committed to your business life looking like. And you really want to write the Vision down to get clear and formalise it (step 2).
This will make the next step of decisions and actions much easier, because you can simply consider whether the ducks are lined up – is this decision or action today aligned with what I say I am committed to?
Life becomes easier, and more enjoyable.