Focusing on what’s Strong, not Wrong
A better mindset for better results
- Diet
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Breathing, and,
- A Positive Mindset…
And there’s plenty of evidence that proves we can think ourselves more healthy.
We have a tendency to especially focus on things that aren’t going well, whether impacting us directly on a day to day basis, or worrying about the bigger stuff; Brexit > Covid > Russia?
Although we can’t help it, these things enter our psyche on a regular basis. And there are plenty of external cues for them.
Instead of dwelling on the negativity, which makes no difference, if we notice this we can become more self-aware, and flip the coin.
We can Stop. Notice. And switch our attention to what’s going well, what’s good, or things I’m grateful for – my strengths, my values, and all the good that’s actually happening.
Focusing on what’s strong, not wrong, immediately creates a more positive mindset, and quite often becomes self-fulfilling with better outcomes.
I found this great 18 minute TED Talk this month, and like the best ones although recorded 7 years ago, it’s so relevant for what followed – Brexit, Covid and happening now…
And perfect timing for St Patrick’s day!
Watch Below
What’s something Strong, or simply Good, for you to focus on to pull you into the next 3 months?
PS; We can create a positive next 3 months for you in a free 2 hour Business Life Planning meeting that will give you a strong focus. Just contact me to request this.