Are you a hedgehog or a fox?

The fox is very colourful, clever, and cunning. He sets off to eat the hedgehog everyday, who sees him coming, and simply rolls himself into a prickly ball. The fox circles him a few times, thinking of lots of ways to get through the prickly barrier. He finally gives up and says I’ll try again…

Feed the Positive Dog

Sometimes it feels like there are 2 dogs inside us fighting for attention. One is happy, cheerful, and loving. The other is a snarling, irritable, and angry dog. How do you make sure the happy, smiling dog comes out on top? You feed the dog you like the most. With positive thoughts, affirmations, and language.…

Action – one step at a time

Sometimes I see, in myself and my client, a reluctance to start what occurs a big job or difficult task. It’s like our minds looking up at a mountain and thinking, ‘that’s too big to climb today’. Tomorrow turns into next week. Which turns into next month. Then next year… A journey of a thousand…

One Shot

A single shot in my cappuccino is my favourite coffee. I also use this term to enrol people into the benefit of having a simple framework to live our lives. We get One Shot at life, and that’s enough to play full out to our fullest potential and purpose. We get One Shot at 2024.…


A long word that helps create structure for the work / life balance we choose. We do our best work when we are not nicely balanced between business, family, and leisure. But when we are deliberately and appropriately out of balance – when we compartmentalise and completely focus on being at work, being with the…