Rebranding your future

We sometimes catch ourselves stuck in a negative state. When someone, or something has upset us, and we can’t help but dwell in the morass. Sometimes for a long period. Here’s a simple tip that can immediately create a positive mindset. It’s interrupting your predictable, default future, and rebranding that future. I explain here in less than 2 minutes how to do this…

Important versus Urgent

Great at Urgent Not so great at Important Working at 100mph on auto-pilot we are great. We become super-effective at getting lots done by becoming more and more efficient. And in todays increasingly cluttered and busy environment, the brain craves short cuts for getting things done. ‘Doing the thing right’, without stopping to think about ‘doing the right thing’. And this can feel like…


“Emotional resilience – refers to one’s ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. More resilient people are able to “roll with the punches” and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties; less resilient people have a harder time with stress and life changes, both major and minor.” Or, the opposite of a financial term I also heard recently, ‘being caught swimming naked’! Think…

Incremental Steps

Breaking it down – step by step. Create the vision for your life, or your business, and you create a clear picture. And sometimes, where you are headed can seem like a mountain – just too big to climb! But if you break this down into stages, or base camps, it’s a lot easier for the brain…