Tom Dear, Damp Genius – Safe and Dry Homes for All
Discovering, and committing to what you do best
Sometimes we’re not sure what we should focus on. Doubts can be distracting.
Tom Dear of Damp Genius has found his groove.
In a focused 3 months, which he declared ‘Intentional’, he addressed the nagging thought – am I in the right business, or should I be doing something else?
He looked into alternatives and then created an empowering focus which is building a great business / life balance for him.
At the start of the year
Tom questioned whether this is really what I want to be doing. Or did I just fall into it?
‘I was ‘surviving’ the business, racing around doing damp proofing, and it didn’t feel like a thriving business.
I had the idea of starting an on-line pet food supplies business. Earlier in my life I talked myself out of being a pilot – and I didn’t want to let this happen again!’
He started investigating what was involved in setting up the on-line pet supplies business.
And quickly became depressed.
His priority values (what’s most important to him) are; Pride, Adventure, and Nature.
Given these values, was sat behind a screen processing orders for dog food aligned with those values?
‘I realised that I actually enjoyed getting out and about surveying historic buildings. But I’d let the business take me in the direction of small domestic jobs – falling into what was easiest to pay the bills’.
A case of the business tail wagging the dog!
A new focus
Charging more as a consultant for surveys was happening occasionally by chance. He was enthused to read more technical stuff, and deepening his understanding and expertise.
He then asked, would I be able to build the business on this.
He created the vision of what ‘Building a Fantastic Life’ would look like for him – ultimately being an expert with a really good reputation, and everything, including the web site and promoting the business, aligned with this.
Then he got ‘Intentional’ – pricing appropriately for the level of expertise for the business he wanted.
And the quotes started being accepted.
He went through the process of putting the business on the table and asking is this what I want? Which included a process of elimination to get clear.
Then he created an inspiring destination and took action. Shaping a business by design, as opposed to the business taking shape by default.
Next is shaping the week for the ideal work / life balance, including taking time out for paddle boarding – out on the ocean again being aligned with the values.
Clarity, Direction, and Focus.
Life works when you find your groove, and commit to it.
Have you found yours?